Amateur Radio

AX.25 APRS with UISS and IC-705

This is a very fast guide to set up the IC-705 with UISS for sending AX.25 packets and APRS.

  1. Download and install UISS. During installation, install the Soundmodem software TNC.
  2. Download the file ptt-dll.zip from Soundmodem webpage. Unzip and copy the files to your UISS folder.
  3. Download the CAT dll file v 1.21 that includes IC-705 setting and replace CAT.DLL from the file above.
  4. Set the radio to FM-D (Data) and select the frq for APRS (in Sweden 144.800 MHz).
  5. Start UISS
  6. Setup UISS with your callsign and your location:

  7. In Soundmodem, set the Sound Card device to your IC-705 USB audio card.

  8. In Soundmodem, set the PTT Port to CAT and radio IC-705. The COM-port should be the one that IC-705 uses for CI-V.

  9. Now you should be able to see traffic

  10. Now send your first APRS Position. Use digipeater if you like.
    The IC-705 now sends your APRS location.

  11. If everything is OK you should be seen on aprs.fi

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