Amateur Radio

Change broken relay Rot2Prog

The Rot2Prog rotor controller from AlfaSpid has four simple relays that several users has reported to be broken. This has also happened to me – I have a relay that has not function very well for several years. So I decided to try to replaced it.

These releay are very cheap and I found replacement at TME:

l:12VDC;16A/250VAC;16A/24VDC ROHS
Przekaźnik:elektromagnetyczny;SPDT;Ucewki :12VDC;16A/250VAC
Mfr: RELPOL Original part number:



Unmount the board

First remove the top cover by removing the four screws at the side of the chassi. Then remove the two screws holding the board, see image below:

The board is built nice, with ferrite on the input and output cable to prevent RF-noice. If needed to change the board, this can be easy done.

Remove relay

Then desolder the faulty relay. For me, it was one of the azimut direction relay, the one to the left:

It was a pain in the *** to desolder and remove this relay! I was close to give up and nearly destroyed the board. But finally, after two hours, I did managed to remove it. I can not understand why AlfaSpid did not mount a relay socket for easy change…

Solder the new relay

This was an easy task, just solder the 8 legs:

Function test

Now connect all the cables and try it. Hopefully it will now work again!

Good luck!

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